ಹಳ್ಳಿಕರ ಹಸುವಿನ ತುಪ್ಪ
Desi Cow Hallikar Ghee
MRP: ₹ 450
Product Description
Product from
Chikkaballapur/Tumkur. The following stages followed to prepare ghee by bilona method. Stage 1: Boiling Desi Cow MilkFirst milk is collected from hallikar desi cows and the milk is boiled.Then this milk is allowed to cool till it has just enough warmth for making curd. Stage 2: Putting Curd in milkWhen milk is cooled down to curd making temperature, the whole of it including the malai (that is creamy layer) is poured into earthen pots. To convert the milk into curd, a spoonful of curd or curd starter called jamawan is added to it. Overnight the milk turns into curd. Stage 3: Churning of CurdNow comes to the actual Bilona Stage. The curd formed in earthen pots is poured in a bigger earthen or wooden pot in which we have the wooden Bilona with rope wrapped around it and the free ends are handheld to make the bilona turn back and forth in order to churn the curd clock-wise and anti-clockwise so as to make butter. The Bilona goes on churning out butter from the curd, which is scooped out leaving the buttermilk or whey. Stage 4: Separate Makkhan and buttermilkIn the last stage, butter is transferred into another pot and heated to make Ghee. Since the Vedic ages wood was used to make a fire for slowly heating up the butter to make the milk solids separate from ghee. The Bilona ghee method essentially requires heating on a low flame and the clarification process is long. In the end, the milk solids turn reddish brown and settle at the bottom. Clear bilona ghee is afloat above. |
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Chemical Free
Free from all sorts of chemicals
Naturally Grown
Using natural farming methods
Straight from the farms
Fresh and natural products
Secure Farmers Livelihood
and improve their lifestyle